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Dear families, Piancavallo February 2026 - Payment Update Thank you so much for keeping up with the scheduled payments, especially as our trip is so far away. This letter is a reminder of what should have been paid by now, and the upcoming payment dates. As of Monday 10 February, a total of ... (click to read more)
Dear families, We are writing to you as we know how keen you are to support the family of schools in the National Forest area; Ibstock School, Ashby School, and Ivanhoe School. As Headteachers and school governors, we are deeply concerned about the funding challenges facing all schools. However, we ... (click to read more)
Dear Families attending Year 8 Parent Progress evening, Please see below the list of classrooms which teachers will be based in for tonight's Parent Progress evening along with a map. Paper copies of this information will be available at the entrance doors. On arrival, please enter the building via the Humanities doors ... (click to read more)
Dear Parents/Careers, During the school weeks of 24 February - 7 March, students will be completing fieldwork in Ibstock Highstreet. This will take place during one of their 4 geography lessons that fortnight. In order for your child to take part, please complete the below permission slip: If you have any questions ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 8, Your child’s report is now available to view in Arbor under Report Cards. Year 8 Progress Evening is on Thursday 6th January and there will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning with subject teachers. Target Grades Your child has a target grade for each subject ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, I am writing to inform you about an exciting opportunity for our year 8 & 9 students at Ibstock School. The Language department will organise a trip to Valencia, in Spain in October 2025. We aim for the following dates: from Saturday 11 October to Tuesday 14 October ... (click to read more)
Dear Families attending Year 9 Parent Progress evening, Please see below the list of classrooms which teachers will be based in for tonight's Parent Progress evening along with a map. Paper copies of this information will be available at the entrance doors. On arrival, please enter the building via the Humanities doors ... (click to read more)
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are writing to inform you of an update regarding the use of the free school meal allowance provided to eligible students. To ensure that the allowance is utilised effectively and in line with its intended purpose, we would like to clarify that it is to purchase a main ... (click to read more)
Dear Families and Carers of Year 9 students, Your child’s report is now available to view in Arbor App under Report cards. Year 9 Progress Evening is on Thursday 30 January and there will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning with subject teachers alongside information about options choices for ... (click to read more)
Berlin 2025 – 14 February – 17 February 2025 Dear families, It was wonderful to see so many families attend last night's information evening. With only 23 days to go until this exciting visit, please read this letter for all details pertaining to the trip as well as additional information following any questions. ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 8 Year 8 Progress evening Thursday 6 February 2025 4pm-7pm We look forward to welcoming you in to school to discuss your child’s learning with their subject teachers. In advance of the evening, you will receive your child’s report with their Attitude to Learning for each subject ... (click to read more)
Dear Parents/carers Re: Pharmacy First – an NHS service being offered from pharmacies across England for children and adults I am emailing to let you know about an NHS service which pharmacies across England are offering for children (as well as adults) called Pharmacy First. What is Pharmacy First? This service ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent / Carer and Young Person, 3-in-1 teenage booster and meningitis vaccinations programme for young people We are offering all young people in school year 9 (aged 13 to 14 years) or above two important vaccinations that complete the protection they had as part of the baby vaccination programme. ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 9, Year 9 Progress evening Thursday 30 January 2025, 4pm-7pm We look forward to welcoming you in to school to discuss your child’s learning with their subject teachers. In advance of the evening, you will receive your child’s report with their Attitude to Learning for each subject ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, PPEs and in class assessments are a crucial process that help identify the strengths and weaknesses of students and also help us to plan the learning your child will experience as they prepare for their GCSE examinations. Experience informs us that this is an invaluable opportunity that serves ... (click to read more)
Dear Families attending Year 10 Parent Progress evening, Please see below the list of classrooms which teachers will be based in for tonight's Parent Progress evening along with a map. Paper copies of this information will be available at the entrance doors. On arrival, please enter the building via the Humanities doors ... (click to read more)
Dear Families and Carers of Year 10 students Your child’s report is available to view on the Arbor App under Report Cards; this letter contains information to support conversations regarding their progress. A reminder of the grading structures at KS4 Previously, A*-U was used to grade students at GCSE, however the 9-1 ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 10, Year 10 Progress evening Thursday 9 January 2025 4pm-7pm We look forward to welcoming you in to school to discuss your child’s learning with their subject teachers. In advance of the evening, you will receive your child’s report with their Attitude to Learning for each subject; ... (click to read more)
6th December 2024 Dear Families, I am delighted to introduce myself as the new Careers Lead at Ibstock School. My name is Mr Brook Foulsham, and I am thrilled to take on this role, helping to inspire and guide your children as they explore their future possibilities. I have been at ... (click to read more)
Dear Families attending Year 11 Parent Progress evening, Please see below the list of classrooms which teachers will be based in for tonight's Parent Progress evening along with a map. Paper copies of this information will be available at the entrance doors. On arrival, please enter the building via the Humanities doors ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Carer, This is a reminder that your child needs to complete their Post-16 application by the 15 December 2024. They should go to the following website: Post 16 Log In and follow the steps to complete their application. In order to support you and your child in the application process, you may find the ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 11 Students, Your child's Autumn 2 Year 11 report is ready to view in the Arbor App. It provides a range of information to support conversations with your child and also at Year 11 Progress Evening on Thursday 5th December. If you have yet to book your ... (click to read more)
GCSE, CNAT and BTEC certificates for 2024 Year 11’s are now ready to collect. Please see dates below. Certificates are important documents, expensive to replace and sometimes non-replaceable. In this instance, statements of results are possible to obtain from the exam boards, at a cost. For Summer 24 results, former students ... (click to read more)
Dear families of Year 11 Year 11 Progress Evening - Thursday 5 December 4pm-7pm We look forward to welcoming you in to school to discuss your child’s learning with their subject teachers. In advance of the evening, you will receive your child’s report with their Attitude to Learning for each subject; ... (click to read more)
Dear families, Remembrance Day at Ibstock School We are incredibly proud of how our school community honoured Remembrance Day this year. The ceremony was a meaningful moment for our school, neighbours, and associated schools. The whole school observed the silence with a huge amount of respect throughout and support ... (click to read more)
Dear families, Battlefields Trip to Belgium and France October 2025 After another successful trip to the Battlefields this October, we are delighted to re-run this visit next academic year 2025-2026 for current Year 8 students. The trip will run the week before the October half term break, Wednesday 15th – Friday ... (click to read more)
Dear Families attending Year 7 and Year 10 Settling in evening, Please see below the list of classrooms which teachers will be based in for tonight's tutor evening along with a map. Paper copies of this information will be available at the entrance doors. On arrival, please enter the building via the ... (click to read more)
Dear parent/carer, I’m delighted to let you know that we are about to launch the next cohort of Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). I am the DofE manager for Ibstock School and wanted to write to let you know more about what’s involved. We have shared an assembly ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, It has been so nice to see the sunshine over the last couple of days, students being able to spend their breaks outside rather than inside is a joy. Students have responded well to the wet weather protocol that we have implemented, which includes them being able ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 10 Students, Your child’s settling in report is available to view on the Arbor App under Report cards. For each subject, your child has been awarded an ‘Attitude to Learning’ grade by their teacher to give an indication of how they are working in lessons. Our ‘Standard ... (click to read more)
Ibstock School would like to invite you to a Community Engagement Event on Wednesday 9 October 2024 to discuss our proposed expansion plan. We look forward to seeing you there. ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Guardian, We are delighted to announce that Ibstock School has recently invested in GCSEPod, the award-winning digital content and revision provider used by over 1,700 schools worldwide. GCSEPod started life as a provider of GCSE only Pods, but has now expanded their offer to include Pods at KS3 as ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 7 Students, Your child’s settling in report is available to view on the Arbor App under Report cards. For each subject, your child has been awarded an ‘Attitude to Learning’ grade by their teacher to give an indication of how they are working in lessons. Our ‘Standard ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 7 Settling in Evening – Thursday 17 October 4pm-6pm Now that your child has completed a number of weeks in KS3, we are inviting you to meet with their form tutor to discuss how they have settled in. The booking system will open on Wednesday 2 October at 7pm and ... (click to read more)
Dear Families of Year 10 Settling in Evening – Thursday 17 October 4pm-6pm Now that your child has completed a number of weeks in KS4, we are inviting you to meet with their form tutor to discuss how they have settled in. The booking system will open on Wednesday 2 October at 7pm and will ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent / Carer and Young Person, Annual Seasonal Flu Vaccination All children and young people from reception to year 11 are being offered the flu vaccination in school as part of the national vaccination programme. The NHS immunisation team will be at Ibstock School on Thursday 7 November 2024. Please click the link ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Guardian, As part of our ongoing dedication to your child’s learning, the school is arranging a trip to Birmingham for our Year 11 Geography students. Birmingham is the perfect destination for students to understand urban issues and development in the UK. A visit here will prove to ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, I am pleased to inform you Ibstock School will be partnering with Crown Hills Community College for a school linking project. All year 7 forms at Ibstock will be linked to a Year 7 form at Crown Hills. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to learn ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent / Carer, We are excited to let you know that following the success that our school has experienced in using Sparx Maths, we are also partnering with Sparx to use their new reading platform, Sparx Reader. Your child will now be using this platform to complete weekly reading ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, After Ibstock Schools’ inaugural Ski Trip to Piancavallo in 2024, I am delighted to offer a fantastic opportunity for a Ski Trip to Piancavallo, Italy in 2026. The trip will be for the academic year 2025-2026 between Saturday 14th February – Sunday 22nd February (over half term). The trip ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent or Carer. To enable the Art, Design and Technology department to continue to provide a wide variety of opportunities for students we are asking for a one-off £10 contribution in Year 7 towards the cost of materials that covers the projects during KS3. The one off payment covers ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, I hope that you have had a positive start to the term and your child has enjoyed being back in the routine of school. It has been a pleasure to see the students appreciate the changes to the school building and I have been impressed with the way ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Carer, During the next two years, your son/daughter will be preparing for two GCSEs in English Language and English Literature. To aid them in their study, we would like them to purchase the texts they need for the GCSE Literature exam so they can annotate them as we study ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Carer, Ibstock School Open Evening – Tuesday 17th September 2024 The greatest success of our open evenings comes from the enthusiastic and wholehearted commitment and involvement of our students who are sensational ambassadors of the school. If your child would like to assist with activities at Ibstock School on the ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, We hope this message finds you well. As you know, our school uniform plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging among our students. We are committed to ensuring that every student feels part of our school community, and we need your support to make this ... (click to read more)
Dear families, As part of GCSE Geography, it is a course requirement that students complete a piece of Physical Geography fieldwork. Students will be examined on this piece of Fieldwork on Paper 3 of their GCSE exams. In order to ensure that students are able to meet this requirement, students ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, I hope that you and your children are enjoying the summer holidays! I am writing to introduce myself as the Headteacher for the 24/25 academic year as we take the next step of the Ibstock journey together. Whether your child is joining us for their first secondary school year, ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, Today you should have received an email from Arbor about your Parent Portal account. To finish creating your account you just need to set a password. Your username is the email address the email was sent to. Getting started - Log into the Parent Portal and the Arbor App The information below also provides ... (click to read more)
Dear Parent/Guardian, The English Department is delighted to be running a trip to watch a performance of ‘An Inspector Calls’ on Wednesday 25th September 2024 for current Year 10 students. The performance is at the Regent Theatre in Stoke on Trent and should be an amazing opportunity to see a ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and high spirits. In our ongoing efforts to enhance your child’s educational experience, promote a sense of community amongst our students, staff, and the wider community, next academic year will see changes made to tutor ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, Here at Ibstock Community College, there are fantastic opportunities to learn an instrument with the team of peripatetic tutors. All lessons take place during the school day and are worked out on a rota basis to ensure that students do not miss the same curriculum lesson each week. ... (click to read more)
Dear families, The History Department is delighted to be running a trip to Kenilworth Castle on Thursday 3rd October and Friday 4th October 2024 for our current year 10 students. It is a firm principle of the Humanities faculty that we provide opportunities for students to experience history outside of ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, I hope that this finds you all safe and well and no doubt looking forward to some warmer weather and the thought of spending quality time together this summer. As a member of LiFE Multi Academy Trust, our staff and students are afforded various opportunities to develop academically, professionally ... (click to read more)
Dear families Payment Update - Year 11 visit to Berlin, Germany Thank you so much for keeping up with the scheduled payments, especially as our trip is so far away. This letter is a reminder of what should have been paid by the end of the year. Please take note of ... (click to read more)
Dear families, We would like to introduce you to Noodle, our new school dog. Noodle is a miniature Australian Labradoodle puppy who lives with Mrs Johnson, Our Lead Practitioner of SEND. Noodle will be spending time in school over the next few months and she will slowly be introduced to ... (click to read more)
Ibstock Community College – iPad Scheme Portal Close: 28th June 2024 | First Direct Debit: 2nd September 2024 Dear Parent/Carer, At Ibstock Community College, we recognise that digital learning is a crucial component of modern education. Our aim is for every student to have access to an iPad both in and out ... (click to read more)
Dear families Payment Update - Year 11 visit to Berlin, Germany Thank you so much for keeping up with the scheduled payments, especially as our trip is so far away. This letter is a reminder of what should have been paid by now, and the upcoming payment dates. As of 1st February, a ... (click to read more)
Dear Families, We would like to inform you about a new safeguarding procedure that we will be implementing with immediate effect. This decision is essential for the safety and security of everyone at our school. Effective immediately, parents and carers will not be permitted on the school site during break time ... (click to read more)
Dear Interested Party, Consultation on LiFE Multi Academy Trusts admissions arrangements for 2025 – 2026. I am writing to notify you of the consultation on the 2025 – 2026 admissions arrangements for each of the Trust’s ten academies. The consultation period will run from today, the 6th December, 2023 until the ... (click to read more)
Dear families, Battlefields Trip to Ypres and the Somme October 2024 After another successful trip to the Battlefields this October, we are delighted to re-run this visit next academic year 2024-2025 for current Year 8 students. The trip will run the week before the October half term break, Wednesday 16th – ... (click to read more)
Dear families, GCSE History Trip Opportunity As we continue to grow as a department, we are delighted to be able to offer an exciting GCSE History enrichment opportunity to Berlin next academic year. The trip will take place Friday 14th- Monday 17th February 2025 which is the half term break in ... (click to read more)